Address Line 2: - Postcode: 46920 Street: Dolores Ibarruri Number: 4 Land area: 8.559 sqm Land occupation: 5.991 sqm Buildability: 8.559 sqm Price: 1.798.041 € Price / sqmb: 210 € Price / sqmp: 210 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Parque Tecnológico Paterna Postcode: 46980 Street: Gutenberg Number: 8 GLA: 1.848 sqm Age: 2004 Rent: - Yield: - Price: 2.500.000 € Price / sqmb: 1.353 € Contract: - Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Polígono Industrial l'Eliana Postcode: 46185 Street: Tuejar Number: 100 Land area: 2.540 sqm Land occupation: 2.032 sqm Buildability: 5.080 sqm Price: 2.540.000 € Price / sqmb: 500 € Price / sqmp: 1.000 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: - Postcode: 46185 Street: Tuejar Number: 100 Land area: 24.018 sqm Land occupation: 19.214 sqm Buildability: 31.223 sqm Price: 21.856.100 € Price / sqmb: 700 € Price / sqmp: 910 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Partida Quinchas Postcode: 46170 Street: Partida Quinchas Number: 1 Land area: 13.645 sqm Land occupation: 13.645 sqm Buildability: 13.645 sqm Price: 800.000 € Price / sqmb: 59 € Price / sqmp: 59 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Montesol Postcode: 46183 Street: Avenida Delicias Number: 52 GLA: 230 sqm Age: 2011 Rent: 13,04 €/sqm & month Yield: 7,10 % Price: 490.000 € Price / sqmb: 2.130 € Contract: 2012 Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Centro Postcode: 46183 Street: Rosales Number: 10 GLA: 730 sqm Age: 2010 Rent: 10,27 €/sqm & month Yield: 6,67 % Price: 1.350.000 € Price / sqmb: 1.849 € Contract: 2020 Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Montesol Postcode: 46183 Street: Ramon Navarrete Number: 10 GLA: 2.200 sqm Age: 2010 Rent: 9,81 €/sqm & month Yield: 7,00 % Price: 3.700.000 € Price / sqmb: 1.682 € Contract: 2019 Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Ciutat Vella Postcode: 46003 Street: Pintor Fillol Number: 4 GLA: 1.300 sqm Age: 2011 Rent: 10,00 €/sqm & month Yield: 5,30 % Price: 3.000.000 € Price / sqmb: 2.308 € Contract: - Source: Advert: |
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